
Sunday, November 2, 2014


Are you Paranoid or Educated? Do you get the feeling that the government is watching you? The government is after you, and does have technology to put sounds and thoughts in your head. Some agencies target conservatives and some are bias to liberals. But, you're probably not a target unless your are an unwilling experiment  or whistle-blower like MK Ultra, Snowden, or Brightbar.

Love You, Tank You?

Don't Get Tanked. Don't get stuck in a chemical romance or friendship. If it's dragging you down move on. It takes time to get to know people.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Don't Crater

Don't go on and on about the same problem. Don't stay in bed all day. Don't leave a mess. Recognize a problem. Do what you can to resolve it. Make a plan. Keep it tracked on a Planner or Calendar and Move on to the Next Thing. Get Up and Get Out. Exercise, Volunteer, Get a Job, Help Someone Else. Practice Praise, Worship, Prayer, Meditation.


Don't cheat yourself

Don't cheat yourself

Build relationships in life with people that make you happy, don't use escapes to make you happy. Your just cheating yourself from experiencing life and making your contribution. Finding escape gives you an instant happy that's not real. Find the Real Happy.

Measurable Attainable Trackable (MAT)

Goals need to be Measurable, Attainable, and Trackable. Plot your goals on a planner or calendar and stay on track.